Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Pre-Kinder's Turn

Last week it was our turn to lead the Elementary Chapel. For this special event we asked Mr. Ramos to be our guest speaker. He did a wonderful job reminding us about how special we are in Christ.

Mrs. McCrea and Mrs. Velasco helping out with the puppets

"Punchinello, Alegria, Angel Restaurador and Eli," were the main Characters

Mr. Ramos sharing...

The audience

Monday, May 5, 2008

Bible Song

Here is a video about one of our favorite Bible song...

Monday, April 28, 2008

New Buddies!

Reading Buddies
The second graders have been coming to read to the pre-kinder kids every Friday. It has been a positive experience for both grades. Thank you for sharing this special time with us second graders!

Pre-Kinder Day Buddies
Last Thursday all the students who will be pre-kinder next year came to visit our school. We had a great morning together! Our current students were great hosts and the new ones seemed quite excited to soon join our school.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Some of the Latest Special Events

Nick's Visit
As many of you know Nick Vujic visited Colombia a couple weeks ago. We were blessed to have him come to our school for a special chapel. God used his words and testimony to touch many hearts in our school. The students enjoyed meeting him and hearing about his life experience and about what God has done in his life.

Welcome Hannah

Two weeks ago Hannah came to join pre-kinder! We have really enjoyed getting to know her. Her joyfulness and openness have made it easy for her to adapt to our classroom and add many things to it. Welcome Hannah and we are very happy to have you be a part of pre-kinder and ECA.

Pizza Party

Our class won the library prize! We won all the points for behaving well in the library. The students' efforts were rewarded and encouraged with pizza and ice cream. Nice job pre-kinder kids!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Many Blessings!

Wonderful Chapel Speakers!
Every week have been blessed to have wonderful chapel speakers from different backgrounds and with wonderful experiences to share with us. We are thankful for each one of them!

A team from Colorado

A Kindergartener's Parents

Mr. Pineda a Middle School Teacher

Mr. Thorton also known as, "Mr. Caramelo"

Celebrating Mrs. McCrea's Birthday

Last week we celebrated Mrs. McCrea's birthday. We had a few little surprises for her to express our love and appreciation for her. We accomplished our goal, she felt loved and blessed! Thank you for the birthday wishes and the presents that you sent.

Monday, March 17, 2008

"Dia del Idioma"

Celebrating, "Dia del Idioma"

Starting the special day...

Rewarding those who have done a great effort in learning Spanish and in class...

Congratulations Santiago and Sarita! We are proud of you!

Monday, March 3, 2008

OBED Conference

Teaching Teachers

Last week we had the wonderful opportunity to attend the OBED conference. Not only were we able to attend but also able to teach two workshops. In the workshops we shared strategies that we use to teach English in pre-school, it was a learning experience for us as well. We enjoyed sharing with our colleagues and were impressed by their eagerness to learn and desire to become better teachers.

Teachers who attended the workshops

Orange Octopuses in the Ocean

At school we also had a wonderful time learning the sound for letter "O". Here is a picture of our Orange Octopuses in the Ocean.

Monday, February 25, 2008

International Festival

This is the song in Portuguese that Miss Pame taught us. We sang it on Thursday for international chapel.


Meu Cristo, meu Rey
Ninguém é como tu
Toda mina vida quero exaltar
As maravilhas do teu amor,
Consolo, refugio
Torre de força e Poder
Todo meu ser o que eu sou
Nunca cesse em adorar

Canta ao Senhor toda a criação
Honra e poder majestade ao Rey ,
Os montes caiaram e o mar rugirá
Ao som do teu nome

Canto com gozo ao ver teu Poder
Por sempre eu te amare e direi
Incomparáveis são as promessas do

Thank you for coming to our International Festival!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Welcoming our New Students
We have been blessed to have two new students in our classroom. They both arrived to Colombia recently. Simon came from New Zeland, and Sung Eun from Guatemala. We are happy to have them both be part of our class and our community. Welcome to ECA and to Colombia!

Celebrating Valentine's
We had a wonderful time celebrating Valentine's at "Prestolandia." The kinder and Pre-Kinder students were able to play and have a special lunch. It was a great way to celebrate this special holiday.

Have a great week!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Marching for Peace!

Monday was a very special day. At 11:20 am we got our Colombian and white flags out and walked outside as a school to the main road, to be part of the big March! Since our students are the youngest students at the school they got to lead the march. The whole school followed us, as well as, the staff and some other schools from the area.
The students were quite excited to be part of this important day in the history of our country. As we were marching we were chanting, "We want peace," and “No more kidnapping." At noon we ended our march with a minute of silent prayer for our country and those who are kidnapped!
We thank God for having been able to participate in the march, this day will remain in our minds forever!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Time is flying!

Time Flies by when you are Having Fun!

Time flies by when you are having fun! This last week went by really fast. We are still getting used to our new schedule! In the classroom we have been learning our letter sounds, working on our motor skills and many art projects. Music and computers our new classes, continue to be the highlights of our week.

We also have a a new addition in our park, a SANDBOX!

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Getting Into School Mode!

Enjoying Chapel
In our first chapel back we celebrated all the January and December Birthdays.

Our First Computer Class
On Friday we had our first computer class. The students were quite excited and they did a great job!

Have a wonderful week!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A Fresh Start!

Welcome Back!!!
We are excited to be back and are looking forward to what the Lord has for us, in Pre-Kinder in 2008!