Monday, March 17, 2008

"Dia del Idioma"

Celebrating, "Dia del Idioma"

Starting the special day...

Rewarding those who have done a great effort in learning Spanish and in class...

Congratulations Santiago and Sarita! We are proud of you!

Monday, March 3, 2008

OBED Conference

Teaching Teachers

Last week we had the wonderful opportunity to attend the OBED conference. Not only were we able to attend but also able to teach two workshops. In the workshops we shared strategies that we use to teach English in pre-school, it was a learning experience for us as well. We enjoyed sharing with our colleagues and were impressed by their eagerness to learn and desire to become better teachers.

Teachers who attended the workshops

Orange Octopuses in the Ocean

At school we also had a wonderful time learning the sound for letter "O". Here is a picture of our Orange Octopuses in the Ocean.